40feet ISO container
measurements, weight, volume, area & transport


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What is an ISO container?

ISO containers are standardised in their measurements and quality. Because of  this, the FEU (Forty-foot Equivalent Unit) are particularly advantageous for everyone involved, as a transport with these containers can be planned and executed easily. The handling, the loading and unloading can be done quickly, which shortens the transport time. Moreover, 40ft. ISO containers can be piled perfectly, because of their measurements and their stability.


Measurements, weight, volume & area of a 40 feet ISO Container

The measurements, weight, volume and area of a container are important for the freight forwarder, as well as the client. Here are the most important information of a 40ft. ISO container:


Internal Measurements 40 feet container & 40ft. High Cube

 Measurements in meter  Length   Width   Height 
 Internal Measurements 40 Feet Container:  12,03 m   2,35 m   2,39 m 
 Internal Measurements 40 Feet High Cube:   12,03 m   2,35 m   2,70 m 


Outside Measurements 40 feet Container & 40ft. High Cube

 Measurements in meter Length Width Height
 Outside Measurements 40 feet Container:  12,19 m  2,44 m  2,59 m 
 Outside Measurements 40 feet High Cube:   12,19 m   2,44 m   2,90 m 


Empty weight, maximum weight, maximum additional load of 40 feet ISO Containers & 40 feet HC

 Container type  Empty weight   Maximum weight (with load)   Maximum additional load 
 40 feet ISO Container:  3,740 kg 30,480 kg 26,740 kg
 40 feet High Cube: 4,150 kg 30,480 kg 26,330 kg


The weight of a 40ft. ISO container is 3.740kg and can be transported with a total weight of 30.480kg. This means that another 26.740kg can be loaded.

High Cube: The total weight of 30,480kg may not be exceeded, as well. This means that 26,330kg can be loaded into a 40ft. high cube container with a tare weight of 4,150kg, which is slightly less than in a standard 40ft. ISO Container.


Volume & area of 40 feet Containers & High Cube

 Container type  maximum area   maximum volume 
 40 ft. Container: 28,37 m2 67,7 m3
 40ft. High Cube Container:  28,37 m2 76,4 m3


The container’s volume is 67,7m3; with an area of 28,37m2.
A 40ft. high cube container has the same area as a standard 40ft. ISO container, but a higher volume (76,4m3), as it is about 31cm higher (height: 2,9m).


LCL and FCL container transports

LCL (Less than Container Load) and FCL (Full Container Load) transports are also possible with ISO containers. Freightfinders will help you, find the right and most favourable shipping type for your cargo with the so called Breakpoint Calculation.


Calculating freight costs of ISO containers

The calculation of freight costs for ISO containers is composed of several components, such as e.g. the container size, the goods being transported, or the route. The price will be calculated individually. The costs that are mostly similar are the administrative costs (e.g. customs clearance). Use our freight costs calculator to easily determine the transport costs for your 40ft. ISO container.


Transporting container safely

For ideal protection of your 40ft. ISO container transport, we offer you services to cover this area. Important points are e.g. load restraint, container seals and transport insurance. Taking care of all these things helps to avoid nuisance and additional costs.


Load restraint for 40ft. ISO containers

Goods are constantly exposed to outside influences, even though they are in a container. The handling or just the transport can cause the cargo to tilt, collide, or fall down. To avoid this, professional load restraint should be considered.


Container seals for 40ft. ISO containers

Container seals are a favourable alternative for protecting them from manipulation. Book a transport of a 40ft. ISO container at Freightfinders.com and get a container seal for free! If you have any questions, please read the article on this issue or get in touch with us!


Transport insurance for your ISO container

Covering a transport insurance is surely the safest way of shipping goods of any kind. Because of the carriers’ limited liability, the client often has to cover the costs for damages. Be on the safe side and avoid this by covering a favourable transport insurance.


Favourable means of transport for 40ft. ISO containers

There are many possibilities for shipping a 40ft. ISO container. At Freightfinders.com, you will find favourable prices for any means of transport! Book one of our world wide routes for a fast and safe transport of your freight.


Shipping ISO containers via ship

Ship your 40ft. ISO container via ship at a cheap rate! Compare our sea freight forwarders and get a favourable price – even for long distance destinations.


Shipping 40ft. ISO containers via truck

If you are choosing an ISO container transport via truck, you are choosing a favourable and flexible type of transport. Road transport is especially beneficial for short-distance transports. Still, it is also applicable for international routes.


Shipping ISO containers via rail freight

Get a fast and eco-friendly transport of your 40ft. ISO container by using rail freight transport. Find one of our numerous world wide routes at Freightfinders.com.