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Questions and Answers

Login > Profile > Settings > Email Settings

If you no longer want to receive notifications from Freightfinders, click on the link “Unsubscribe from email notifications”. You will be sent on to confirm or cancel your selection. If you no longer wish to receive notifications, please click on "Unsubscribe from email notifications". If you want to go back to your email settings, click on "Cancel".

Login > Profile > Settings > Email Settings

The email address with which you registered your Freightfinders account will automatically become your primary email address at which we can reach you. However, if you want to enter a different address as the main contact, click under the respective email address on "Make primary email address".

Login > Profile > Settings > Email Settings

If you want to delete an e-mail address, click on "Delete" under the respective address and it will be removed. Please note, however, that you cannot delete your primary email address. However, you can add another email address and have the primary account transferred to this address.

Login > Profile > Settings > Email Settings

If you want to use several e-mail addresses for your account, e.g. if several employees work on one account, add an e-mail address. To do this, enter a valid e-mail address in the box provided and confirm it by clicking on the "Add e-mail" button.

Login > Profile > Settings > Change password

At the top of the list of your account settings you will find the item "Change password". If you click on this point, you will have the option to overwrite your current password with a new one.
First enter your current password. If you have thought of a new password, enter your new password in the following two columns. Make sure to pay attention to everything when repeating (upper and lower case, numbers, characters, etc.).

Login > Profile > Settings > Email Settings

Bevorzugte Sprache

You can use your account in German and English. The automatic setting of the language is German. If you want to change the preferred language, please click in the field and select English.

Preferred currency

When it comes to currency, you can choose from three different currencies. The default setting is the euro (EUR). However, you can also choose US Dollars (USD) or Yuan Renminbi (CNY). Multiple choices are not possible here.

Login > Profile >Information >Person of Contact

You would like to transfer responsibility to an employee and thus change your company's contact person for Freightfinders? Then call up the item "Person of Contact" in your profile and change the data entered there. Click on "Save" to confirm your change.

Login > Profile >Information >Company Information & Invoice Address

Under this point, change all important data about your company. You can edit the following information:

  • Basic Information: Name, Tax Identification Number and Logo.
  • Address: Country, Administrative Area, ZIP Code, City, Address & Additional Address Components.
  • Invoice Address: Country, Administrative Area, ZIP Code, City, Address & Additional Address Components.

After you have made changes, please do not forget to save your entries with the "Save" button.