Freight Cost Calculator

Use our free search engine for spot prices

Sea Freight Calculator ✓   Air Freight Calculator ✓   Land Freight Calculator ✓  

12.000 registered users 2.000 transport prices per month 9.000.000 logistic routes with prices 24.000.000 transport turnover realised

The transport cost calculator at a glance





  • Compare freight forwarder
  • Compare all transport modes
  • Compare logistic services 


  • No dubious transport offers
  • Examination of forwarders
  • Only reliable logistic partners


  • Standardised Messages
  • Management-Tool for transports
  • Invite your forwarders - Logistic Tendering

All-round service

  • Sea-, Air- & land- freight cost calculators
  • Insurance, fumigation, customs etc.
  • Transport everything erverywhere



Find Spotquotes with our freight cost calculator

Why you should have a look at our spot prices!

In the case of spot prices, it is usually necessary to send several requests to different forwarding agents to obtain offers. At best, these should still fit your ideas of transport – meet requirements that match your time plans & your goods. 
Our automated freight cost calculator allows us to quickly show you the best prices. You can flexibly decide which transport route you want to choose & which mode of transport. We offer services, such as e.g. freight insurance, which you can easily add with one click.

Freight Cost Calculator

Major customer requests & Recurring Transports

Direct consultation for complex transports

You are not looking for spot prices but offers for recurring transports?
Then conveniently make an inquiry via our key account portal & benefit from our manually created offers. We have a suitable partner for almost every task!
Make a free of charge inquiry & receive a daily price report of your transport wishes. Invite your favorite forwarders and compare the offers online - The easy way of doing logistic tenders 

Major Customer Portal




What is a spot price and when do I need it?

A spot price or spot price is a rate that you receive quickly and at short notice and is usually used for sea freight or truck transport. You will also receive it outside of a contract, as you do not have to have a business relationship between you and the shipping company to receive an installment.
But when does the search for such offers make sense? Spot prices are often used for short-term or one-off transports, as otherwise transports are usually stipulated by contract. Other cases for searching for such rates are if your freight does not, for example, correspond to the contractually stipulated sizes, classes or weight. However, a spot price may also be necessary if the partner makes the difference, e.g. if they do not travel the route. However, act quickly! Spot prices are limited in time and usually expire after a few days or weeks.



How do I get the best spot prices?


What information does the freight cost calculator / transport cost calculator need from you


In order to get the cheapest spot price, some offers have to be obtained from various forwarding agents and as quickly as possible so that the rates received do not expire beforehand. The freight forwarders need several pieces of information, such as:

  • Loading and Unloading Location
  • Transport Type (Container, Pallet, etc.)
  • Means of Transport (Sea, Land, Air)
  • Freight Information and Dates



What role does Freightfinders play in your spot price search?


How can we at Freightfinders help you find spot prices? We have made it our mission to make it easier for you to find a transport and to offer you the cheapest prices as quickly as possible. You enter all the freight information into our configurator and a price search is started. You will then automatically be shown prices. If your route or similar does not already exist, forwarding agents can submit spot prices for your transport and you can choose the right partner for you. In this way, you will receive a selection of offers and optimal transport for your freight as quickly as possible.




Why you should request spot quotes using our freight calculator:


Favorable prices through comparison of forwarding agents and means of transport


Book online quickly and easily


EU-funded network of experienced freight forwarders


Full service: customs clearance, insurance, fumigation & Co.